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The New Block Commission: Carol Sorhaindo and Bella Milroy in conversation

To celebrate the launch of The Golden Crown, a new site-based commission from artist Carol Sorhaindo that explores memory, reflection, time and fragmentation, join artists Carol Sorhaindo and Bella Milroy for a conversation exploring their research. The discussion will focus on their shared interests in growing projects and practices which are centred in collaboration and care.

The New Block Commission is a new set of commissioning from Wysing Arts Centre. Supported by the Art Fund Reimagine Project, the New Block Commission moves away from indoor, exhibition-based projects to an outdoor site-based approach that makes our work more visible. Visit Wysing to see 'The Golden Crown' before January 26th 2024.

This event has been published in two sections:

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You can also listen to the conversation as a podcast on SoundCloud, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

About Carol

Carol Sorhaindo is a visual artist with an MA in Creative Practice and a diverse portfolio career. She draws inspiration from nature and landscapes, with a particular interest in plants of economic, health, and ethnobotanical interest on the island of Dominica where she currently lives. Her research extends to use of plants as pigments and fibre extraction for textile dyeing and creative applications.

Having lived in both the UK and Dominica, Carol’s own migration story, entangled transatlantic history and impact on mental wellbeing are of key importance. Carol explores the interplay of dark and light, joy and pain which are brought to light through botanical narratives which speak of migration, trauma, African and indigenous knowledge, resistance and healing. Carol also took part in a residency at Wysing in 2022.

About Bella

Bella Milroy is an artist and writer who lives in her hometown of Chesterfield, Derbyshire. She works responsively through mediums of sculpture, drawing, photography, text, writing, gardening and curating. She makes work about making work (and being disabled) and not being able to make work (and being disabled). This process-based practice is fundamental to her as a disabled artist. She is continually motivated by concepts of public and private spaces and where the sick and/or disabled body exists within them, themes which emerge throughout much of her work.

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